- Icon Offshore Berhad (ICON) is the largest Offshore Support Vessel (OSV) provider and one of the largest in Southeast Asia in terms of number of OSVs.
- The company has 22 active vessels operating in waters off Malaysia and Brunei with history of international operations in six Southeast Asian countries. ICON also owns and operates a jack-up drilling rig within Malaysian waters.
Investment Rationale
- Strong track record of delivering growth.
- Platform for building one of the largest local OSV players.
Transaction Details
- Investment type
- Majority investment in a strong Malaysian company
- Acquisition Date
- November 2012, merger of TKS and Omni
- Ownership
- 56.9%
- Partial Divestment
- June 2014
Key Value Creation Metrics
Ekuinas toiled with us to achieve our objective of becoming a listed company. I am grateful for all their assistance in this process. I would advise companies to grab the opportunity to work with a private equity firm. They have the skills, expertise and knowledge to take your business to the next level.
Dr Jamal Yusof
Previous Chief Executive Officer of ICON Offshore Berhad